Delayed Start of 2023 Irrigation Season
The 2023 irrigation season has been delayed to support mutual aid efforts with the North Yuba Water District (NYWD) on the Upper Forbestown Ditch. This section of conveyance is critical to both SFWPA & NYWD to efficiently convey raw water to their irrigation customers and both districts’ treatment plant reservoirs, respectively.
In addition, both districts have greatly benefitted from a heavy precipitation year, including a couple very productive late season storms.
With heavy consideration and a focus of future sustainability, the modified start dates of the 2023 irrigation season are as follows:
SFWPA Upper and Lower Forbestown Ditch: 05/08/2023
Bangor Canal and surrounding conveyance: Estimated 04/20/2023
Palermo Canal and surrounding conveyance: Estimated 04/20/2023
SFWPA appreciates your understanding.