SB 998 Information
This page contains information regarding South Feather Water and Power’s policies on delinquent accounts and discontinuation of services. Below you will find “Section 11 – Delinquent Accounts” which is provided in six separate languages for your use. The following verbiage can also be found on our mailed delinquency notice and Shut Off notices. Please note that Paymentusis the only recognized online payment option tracked by South Feather Water and Power to avoid disconnect fees.
The information contained below explains the delinquency process which South Feather Water and Power Agency follows. Each month the meter for your property is read. The consumption is calculated between the current read and the read from the previous month. The statement will include charges for a base rate, consumption, penalties, additional services and taxes, if they apply. Once statements are mailed the bill is due ten days later but are not considered delinquent until 25 days after the bill was generated. If payment is not received within that timeframe, a penalty of 1.5% of the account balance is added to the account and the next month’s bill is generated. This process will continue until the water service is disconnected after the account becomes delinquent more than 70 days (see diagram below).