Lost Creek Dam Improvement Project
The Lost Creek Dam Improvement Project will be released to bid when the final engineering approvals are received from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the California Division of Safety of Dams. This is expected to occur in August-September 2014.
Parties interested in receiving notifications relating to the procurement process for the subject project should contact the Project Engineer at AECOM Technical Services, Inc., via regular U.S. mail or email at the addresses provide below in order to be added to the list.
U.S. Mail:
Thomas R. Barnard, PE
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
2020 L Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95811
Please provide contact information for the person to be notified regarding the status of the construction services procurement process for the subject project as follows:
Contractor Name
Primary Contact:
Name, Voice and Fax Telephone Numbers [please provide only one contact person]
Mailing Address
Email Address
Interested parties will be required to execute a Non-disclosure Agreement with South Feather Water and Power Agency prior to receiving any bid documents that are considered Critical Energy Infrastructure Information.