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Construction Management Services

Reissuance of RFP New Publication Date:   November 26, 2024
RFP Submission Deadline Date:    Revised Due Date: January 20, 2025 at 2pm


The South Feather Water and Power Agency (hereafter referred to as “SFWPA or Agency”) is seeking a firm/respondent (hereafter referred to as “Respondent”) to conduct construction management services on behalf of the Agency for the Palermo Clean Water Consolidation Project (Palermo CWC Project). Funding is available for the initial phase of the Palermo CWC Project, which consists of the extending SFWPA’s water supply infrastructure to the dry well areas within the Palermo community, hereinafter referred to as the Dry Well Consolidation Project.

The Agency intends to award a contract to a respondent that will meet the qualification criteria and has successfully performed services on similar projects in the past. The successful respondent will be required to enter into a contract with Agency for the services requested in this RFP within a reasonable time after award. A respondent submitting a proposal must be prepared to use Agency's standard contract template rather than its own contract. The contract will include terms appropriate for this project.

Generally, the terms of the contract will include, but are not limited to: (1) completion of the Dry Well Consolidation Project, and subsequent Palermo CWC Project phases, within the timeframes provided, (2) no additional work authorized without prior written approval, (3) no payment without written approval, (4) funding availability, (5) termination of contract under certain conditions, (6) indemnification of Agency, (7) approval by Agency of any subcontractors, and (8) minimum appropriate insurance requirements. A Model Contract is attached as Exhibit A to this RFP. Agency intends to award and execute a contract substantially in the form of the Model Contract to the selected respondent. Respondents should list any requested exception(s) or changes to the Model Contract in the RFP cover letter.



Construction Mgmt_RFP_2024.11.25_Combined.pdfRevised Construction Management RFP Combined 12-16-2024Addendum No 1_12-17-2024.pdfPalermo Clean Water Consolidation Project - 100% Plans.pdfR42241_NSV MCFA.pdfAddendum No 2_12-19-2024.pdf
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